Union Bank of India

Union Bank of India

Financial institution offering consumer and business banking services. Learn more

Launch date
Mumbai Maharashtra (HQ)

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More about Union Bank of India

Union Bank of India was established on 11th November 1919 with its headquarters in the city of Bombay, now known as Mumbai.

The Head Office building of the Bank in Mumbai was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation in the year 1921, and he said on the occasion:

"We should have the ability to carry on a big bank, to manage efficiently crore of rupees in the course of our national activities. Though we have not many banks amongst us, it does not follow that we are not capable of efficiently managing crore and tens of crore of rupees."

His prescient words anticipated the growth of the bank that has taken place in the decades that followed.

Today, the Bank has a network of 9500+ domestic branches, 13300+ ATMs, 11700+ BC Points, serving over 120 million customers with 75000+ employees. The Bank also has 3 branches overseas at Hong Kong, Dubai International Financial Centre (UAE) & Sydney (Australia); 1 representative office in Abu Dhabi (UAE); 1 banking subsidiary at London (UK); 1 banking joint venture in Malaysia; 3 para-banking subsidiaries and 3 joint ventures (including 2 in life insurance business). The Bank's core values of prudent management without ignoring opportunities is reflected in the fact that the Bank has shown uninterrupted profit during all 97 years of its operations.

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